Religious Education for Children


When parents present their children for Baptism, they promise to raise them in the practice of the faith by keeping God’s commandments, as Christ taught us, and by loving God and neighbor (Rite of Baptism). Indeed, parents are the first teachers of the faith for their children. Above others, parents are obliged to form their children by word and example in faith and in the practice of the Christian life (can. 774 §2). By virtue of his office, the pastor is also bound to look after the catechetical formation of adults and youth in his parish (can. 776 §1). 

Here at St. Francis Xavier, our goal is to continue the apostolic mandate of the Lord to his apostles to go out to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 28) and proclaiming the Mysteries of Salvation through the proclamation of the Word of God and celebration of the Sacraments.


Because of the great gift of Faith we have received in Baptism, we wish to share this with your children through catechetical instruction and preparation for receiving the Sacraments (especially Baptism, First Penance and First Holy Communion, and Confirmation).

Our Lord said, “Whatever you hear, proclaim on the rooftops!” (Mt 10:27). We wish to share our great Faith with your children, instructing them in the spiritual life, sacred doctrine, and help them in their formation in virtue as they strive to follow God’s will in their lives in loving Him and their neighbors. 

Classes are held at various times of the year with a focus on interactive class participation, spiritual growth and renewal, and preparation for reception of the Sacraments. We also invite you to consider our summer program, which always turns out to be a favorite among the students.

We invite you to submit a registration form by contacting Mrs. Rosemary Carvalho at 401-742-9622 or A registration fee of $40.00 for non sacramental years and $45.00 for first communion and confirmation years is kindly requested for the maintenance of the program. Thank you; we look forward to hearing from you!

For more information on the sacraments themselves, please visit our Baptism , Eucharist , and Confirmation pages.

Important Dates for Sacramental Years 2024-25

First Holy Communion:



Rehearsal dates: TBA

First Penance (Reconciliation):




New Registrations

Click here to download the 2024-25 Religious Education Registration Form

Click here to download the Electronic Media Release Form

All families must register before classes start in September. Both new and existing families must register. If you are transferring to our parish, please provide a baptismal certificate, which can be obtained from your former parish.

Payment for class may be in the form of check or cash. Checks should be made out to “Saint Francis Xavier” and addressed to “Attention Faith Formation.”

Class Calendar and Schedule

Volunteer Information

Diocese of Providence Safe Environment Training: please click here.

To be a volunteer, please e-mail Mrs. Rosemary Carvalho at or call at 401-742-9622 to set up an appointment. We are always looking for parishioners willing to help out and serve! Click here
