Holy Mass of Reception for Bishop Richard G. Henning
For more information, visit: https://dioceseofprovidence.org/jan26
Watch the livestream of the Holy Mass on the diocesan YouTube channel

St. Francis Xavier Holiday Bazaar
Saint Francis Xavier Holiday Bazaar
Our Bazaar will be on Saturday-Sunday, November 5-6. We kindly ask for Christmas items and items for the Silent Auction. In addition, we solicit gift cards from local restaurants or stores to be used for raffles. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the rectory.
Bazaar Schedule
Saturday, November 5, 9:00AM – 6:00PM
Sunday, November 7, 8:00AM – 1:30PM
Donations Needed for our Famous malassadas: Flour, oil, eggs, margarine, sugar, or if you would like to give a monetary donation to help with the expense, it is greatly appreciated. Please support our bazaar in some way. Please drop off your donations at the rectory during regular office hours, Monday-Friday between 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Bazaar Raffle
All Parishioners will be receiving their Bazaar raffle tickets. For those who use E‑Giving please stop by the rectory for tickets. This year our Bazaar raffle:
1st Prize- $750 | 2nd Prize- $200 | 3rd Prize-$100
Do not miss your chance to win these great prizes. This raffle will be a great help to our parish. The success of our raffle depends on the patronage of our parishioners and friends. We are counting on your generosity and help with this raffle.

2022 Saint Francis Xavier Feast / Festa de São Francisco Xavier
Friday-Sunday, June 17, 18 & 19.
Sexta-feira a Domingo, 17, 18 e 19 de junho.

St. Francis Xavier Holiday Bazaar
Saint Francis Xavier Holiday Bazaar
Our Bazaar will be on Saturday-Sunday, November 6-7. We humbly ask for donations of new or gently used household items, Christmas items, toys or stuffed animals, items for the Bazaar booth prizes and auction items. In addition, you may donate restaurant gift cards or gift cards from any store to be used for raffles. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the rectory.
Bazaar Schedule
Saturday, November 6 - 9AM – 6PM
Sunday, November 7 - 8AM – 1:30PM
We kindly ask all to wear a face mask.
Donations Needed for our Famous malassadas: Flour, oil, eggs, margarine, sugar, or if you would like to give a monetary donation to help with the expense, it is greatly appreciated. Please support our bazaar in some way. Please drop off your donations at the rectory during regular office hours, Monday-Friday between 9:00AM to 4:00PM or leave in church basement.
Bazaar Raffle
All Parishioners will be receiving their Bazaar raffle tickets. For those who use E-Giving please stop by the rectory for tickets. This year our Bazaar raffle:
1st Prize- $750.00 | 2nd Prize- $200.00 | 3rd Prize-$100.00
Do not miss your chance to win these great prizes. This raffle will be a great help to our parish. The success of our raffle depends on the patronage of our parishioners and friends. We are counting on your generosity and help with this raffle.

Mass & Candlelight Procession - Wednesday, Oct. 13
On Wednesday, October 13th, there will be a Mass at 6PM [bilingual] in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. Following the Mass, there will be a candlelight procession. Please join us for fraternal prayer through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima.

Music at St. Francis Xavier - Oct. 24 at 3PM
We are happy to announce the resumption of our concert series. Renowned harpsichordist, Jacob Stott, will perform a concert of Portuguese classical music on the harpsichord, Sunday, October 24, at 3 PM in our church. Mr. Stott, who has a passion for the early music of Portugal, is well known for his lectures, master classes and as a harpsichordist. A free will offering will be gratefully excepted. Please join us!

Important Message on Coronavirus
Out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of all, please be advised of the following:
(1) Bishop Tobin has prudently decided to cancel all public Masses in the Diocese of Providence until further notice. The priests of St. Francis Xavier will still say private Mass for your intentions and the intentions listed in our bulletin. While we cannot be together physically, we are united in prayer.
Please join us on FacebookLive or on our website afterwards to watch live-streamed Masses, Rosaries, and Stations of the Cross. You can view videos of Mass by clicking here.
For a complete list of Masses on television, or live-streamed online, please click here.
(2) All Faith Formation classes have been cancelled until further notice.
(3) First Penance, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation ceremonies have been postponed until further notice. Once we receive more information from the Diocese of Providence and/or the Department of Health, we will be able to set dates for these important sacraments in the life of our community.

Portuguese Lenten Mission
Join our Lenten mission preacher this year, Father Jose Rocha for four nights:
Monday, March 9: 6:00 pm
Tuesday, March 10: 6:00 pm
Wednesday, March 11: 6:00 pm
Thursday, March 12: 6:00 pm

Lenten Penance Service
Tuesday, March 3 at 7:00 pm at St. Francis Xavier Church
Many priests will be here to hear your confession in English and Portuguese. Come to receive this great sacrament of God’s mercy!

Malassadas Sale
As it has been our tradition before Lent we will have a sale of Malassadas on Sunday, February 23rd after all Masses.
We look forward to your generous donations of flour, oil, sugar, and eggs. We are in need of more flour than sugar. You may also make a monetary donation toward the expense of purchasing items. Donations may be dropped off at the rectory between 9:30AM and 4:30PM. May God bless you.

RCIA next class
RCIA will meet on Monday, January 27 from 6:00 to 7:30 in the school chapel. Please remember to bring sacramental records if you have not done so already.

Youth Group
Join us for our first youth group meeting of 2020 from 6 - 7:30 pm in the Youth Room.

RCIA begins January 6
For more information, see our Religious Education for Adults page.
To register, please fill out this RCIA INFORMATION FORM and return it to the parish office or to Father Nathan or Father Jorge after weekend Masses.
Schedule for 2020 RCIA
Classes begin on January 6, 2020 and run every other week on Mondays from 6-7:30 pm until Easter.
Easter Vigil this year will be held on Saturday, April 11, 2020

Holy Day: Dec 31/Jan 1 (Mary, Mother of God)
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Holy Day of Obligation
Mass Times:
Tues., Dec. 31 (New Year’s Eve): 6:00 pm [English]
Wed., Jan 1 (New Year’s Day): 10:30 am [Bi-lingual]

Christmas Mass Schedule
The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Christmas Eve:
4:30 pm Mass in English with the St. Cecilia Children’s Choir
(Choral Christmas Concert begins at 11:30 pm)
12:00 Midnight Mass in Portuguese/English (bi-lingual) with St. Francis Xavier Adult Choir
Christmas Day:
10:30 am Mass in Portuguese/English (bi-lingual)

Youth Group
Our youth group will meet Thursday, December 19 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. for our annual Christmas celebration. Come and join us for fellowship focused on the coming of the birth of Christ.